“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”

~ African Proverb


Let’s go together.

If you are in need of someone to walk with you during a critical spiritual time, we can help. You can make an appointment for a service we provide or contact us for something specific to see how we can help you.

Please note: This ministry is a mandated reporter identified as Members of clergy, by the State of Michigan. This means that we are obligated to report any intent or action of harm, neglect, or abuse to the proper authorities which will break any obligation of confidentiality.


One on one discipleship

One on one discipleship coaching for anyone who wants an intensive on how to go deeper in God. Every session has an extended prayer time practicing the presence of the LORD, then a time of reflection and discussing the revelation from God received.

Peer Ministry Mentoring

You know the answer. You’ve been in ministry for years. You just need someone who will not judge your struggle to talk to and reason together with. Peer Ministry Mentor is a nonjudgemental confidential meeting for ministers to share without fear of being seen as disqualified or prejudged for frustrations or weaknesses.

Pre Marital Counseling

Do you want to get your marriage off to a Christ-centered start? We can help you get started by helping you understand God’s intention for marriage and how you can communicate well and work through challenges to make your relationship stronger.

Spiritual C.P.R.

One on one Christ-centered Peer Support and Reflective listening (Spiritual C.P.R.) is an opportunity to get confidential spiritual support for challenges with church life, work-life, or personal life.